
One Thousand & One Movies (Short) (Copy)

One Thousand & One Movies

short film / 12pp / comedy / magical realism


A down on his luck young man discovers a magical movie streamer that transports him into his favourite movies.

The pitch

“Mr Benn meets Quantum Leap”

A comedy / magical realism short film about a down and out guy who discovers a mysterious movie streamer on his TV. The channel host, an exuberant genie, gifts 3 wishes to the cynical viewer who mutters “I wish I was in the movies, not struggling to choose one!” And so he finds himself taking on the attributes of lead characters from his favourite movies… and finds elements of the movies entering his world.

An ode to my favourite movies and genres. Currently riffing off Clint Eastwood Westerns, Star Wars, and An American Werewolf in London. With each movie choice, aesthetic style and genre conventions are reflected in the film. The beauty of this concept is you could easily switch in a different movie or genre inspiration. It would be very feasible to expand this into a feature or series.